Asian cities, like Metro Manila, are witnessing a rise in middle class populations amid rapid urbanization. But what do residents think about being and becoming middle class in Metro Manila, and does migration matter?
In this seminar, participants will hear about the findings of PRIO’s Migration Rhythms in Trajectories of Upward Social Mobility in Asia project, from research among Filipino urban middle classes in Metro Manila.
It will introduce the new city brief ‘Middle classes, moving and staying in Metro Manila,’ which draws on survey and interview data. The discussion will reflect on the role of migration in development and upward social mobility, at national and international levels.
Hon. Enrico Fos, the Ambassador of the Philippines in Oslo, will offer his comments. Ambassador Fos is a diplomat and lawyer who has worked for the Philippines’ Department of Foreign Affairs for over 20 years. He has served in several Philippine missions abroad, and has actively worked on issues related to international migration, migration governance, and migrants’ rights and welfare.
This is the first event in a series of four in 2024, where the MigrationRhythms city briefs will be presented, and select findings shared from the project’s research in Metro Manila, Hanoi, Karachi and Mumbai.
16.30 Doors open, coffee/tea and Filipino snacks served
16.45 Introduction/welcome remarks
16.50 Presentation of the MigrationRhythms Project by Karen Liao, Senior Researcher at PRIO, and Marta Bivand Erdal, Research Professor at PRIO
17.00 Manila city brief presentation
17.20 Commentary (Ambassador Enrico Fos)
17.30 Panel and Q&A with Ambassador Fos & Karen Liao (moderated by Marta Bivand Erdal)
18.00 Closing remarks
18.10 Informal discussion and intermingling
18.30 Event closing
From the left: Ambassador Enrico Fos, Marta Bivand Erdal and Karen Liao. Photo: PRIO / Md Imran