PRIO Research Professor Cindy Horst will lead a new project funded by the Research Council of Norway 'Expanding the search for new ways of working along the Humanitarian-Development-Peace Nexus' (EXPAND). The project will investigate new ways of addressing complex crises - in the humanitarian-development-peace nexus. This research will draw on empirical research about locally-led responses to environmentally- and conflict-induced protracted displacement in Uganda, Somalia and Sri Lanka.

The objective of EXPAND is to advance theorizing on the role of relational ethics in responses to complex crises. Research on emergency responses and durable solutions to protracted displacement usually follows the funding structures of the international aid system, which do not facilitate the bridging of aid that addresses immediate needs with that which focuses on long-term goals of resilience and sustainability.

Understanding the actors that do not necessarily access this funding, but operate in the same spaces, can inspire genuinely new ways of working. To achieve its objective, the EXPAND research project will conduct empirical research on locally-led responses to environmentally- and conflict-induced protracted displacement in Uganda, Somalia and Sri Lanka.

The project will run from 2025-2028 - more to follow!