In an interview with Prumdsodun Ok, an artist, teacher, writer, and speaker, we discuss how dance is both a liberating and transgressive form in his own practice and life. Prum, the founder of Prumsodun Ok & NATYARASA (Cambodia’s first gay dance company) shares his thoughts about his artistic practice, what it helped him to find, and how it continues to redefine his own place in the world. Together, we reflect on themes of gender, transgression, belonging, and the roles that dance and the body play in a particular context like Cambodia. This interview is co-written and co-created between the authors and the dancer.
Grabska, Katarzyna & Roy Huijsmans (2022) Dance as Liberating and as Limiting, as Connecting, Creating and Crossing Boundaries: Interview with Prumsodun Ok, Music & Arts in Action 8 (1): 85–93.